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Le dí un 7/10 porque vale la pena verla, pero tampoco considero que sea una obra maestra ni apta para todos los espectadores.
Por varias horas trancaron la vía como medida de protesta (Sailú Uribarrí) |
Ciudad Guayana.- Más de cuatro kilómetros de cola, protagonizada en su mayoría por gandolas y camiones de carga pesada, anunciaba la enorme tranca promovida por los transportistas que a diario transitan por la carretera nacional Bolívar-Anzoátegui.
Un robo detonó el malestar de los conductores: un conductor de un camión cava, un chofer de la empresa Sidor que fue hospitalizado por quemaduras y un tercer conductor que aunque golpeado prefirió quedarse en el sitio para custodiar su carga fueron asaltados por dos hombres y una mujer, todos efectivos de la Policía Regional de Anzoátegui.
El suceso se reportó alrededor de las 4:00 de la madrugada, cuando un conductor que viajaba desde Valencia hacia Puerto Ordaz tuvo que esquivar un camión cava que estaba parado en la vía, en su hazaña impactó de frente con otra gandola, la cual en cuestión de segundos se calcinó. Los conductores del camión cava estaban estacionados mientras efectivos de la Policía de Anzoátegui, responsables de la custodia de la carretera, les atracaban.
"Eso se repite todo el tiempo, si no atracan a mano armada, valiéndose de su poder, nos martillean en cada alcabala. Ya es hora que tomen esa Policía y la liquiden. Debería ser el Ejército quien custodie la vía, donde no sólo atracan a los conductores y chóferes, sino a los turistas. Quien nos debe cuidar es quien nos mantiene azotados. Son hampa uniformada y en patrullas", denunció José Pernía, conductor por 15 años y víctima constante de los robos que se reportan en los 131 kilómetros.
Los manifestantes señalan que la situación involucra a efectivos de la Policía Regional y de la Guardia Nacional. "Montan alcabalas y cuando uno se para lo que le dicen es ¡quieto! y te atracan, y uno no tiene a quien acudir porque ¿cómo se pone una denuncia así?", señaló Marcos Andrades, conductor y víctima del suceso.
Leonet Espinel, funcionario policial de Anzoátegui, explicó que la deficiencia de efectivos influye en el incremento de los robos. Toda la vía es custodiada sólo por dos patrullas, lo que permitió identificar a los efectivos policiales atracadores.
La tranca tuvo lugar a pocos metros de la población rural de Mamo Arriba. Los vecinos aseguran que desde sus viviendas observan cómo los agentes atracan a diario. "Ellos dicen que es uno, pero nosotros vivimos del pescado y de lo que sembramos. No nos hace falta robar chatarra, madera o alambre, que es lo que pasan por aquí. Nosotros vemos cómo ellos paran a los conductores y en plena vía les quitan lo que se les antoje", acusó Leñitas Rodríguez.
Pasadas las 4:30 de la tarde, representantes del Ministerio Público se apersonaron en el lugar lo que permitió la reapertura de la vía, bajo el compromiso de destituir a los polianzoátegui señalados de atracar. Se iniciarán conversaciones con las gobernaciones e instituciones de ambos estados para solucionar el problema.
Tomado de este blog sin permiso JI JI The following is reprinted from Uncle John’s Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader book.
Is he lucky … or unlucky? You decide. THE SELAK ZONE On a cold January day in 1962, a Croatian music teacher named Frane Selak was traveling from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik by train. Well, that’s where he thought he was going. Little did he know what he was actually about to embark upon a strange 40-year odyssey marked by freak accidents and near-death experiences. The train carrying Selak in 1962 inexplicably jumped the tracks and plunged into an icy river, killing 17 passengers. Selak managed to swim back to shore, suffering hypothermia, shock, bruises, and a broken arm, but very happy to be alive. One year later, Selak was on a plane traveling from Zagreb to Rijeka when a door blew off the plane and he was sucked out of the aircraft. A few minutes later the plane crashed; 19 people were killed. But Selak woke up in a hospital - he’d been found in a haystack and had only minor injuries. In 1966 he was riding on a bus that went off the road and into a river. Four people were killed - but not Selak. He suffered only cuts and bruises. In 1970 he was driving along when his car suddenly caught fire. He managed to stop and get out just before the fuel tank exploded and engulfed the car in flames. In 1973 a faulty fuel pump sprayed gas all over the engine of another of Selak’s car while he was driving it, blowing flames through the air vents. His only injury: he lost most of his hair. His friends started calling him "Lucky." In 1995 he was hit by a city bus in Zagreb but received only minor injuries. In 1996 he was driving on a mountain road when he turned a corner and saw a truck coming straight at him. He drove the car through a guardrail, jumped out, landed in a tree - and watched his car explode 300 feet below. BAD NEWS (AND GOOD NEWS) TRAVELS FAST By this time he was starting to get an international reputation for his amazing knack for survival. "You could look at it two ways," Selak said. "I am either the world’s unluckiest man or the luckiest. I prefer to believe the latter." How does the story of Frane Selak end? Luckily, of course. In June 2003, at the age of 74, Selak bought his first lottery ticket in 40 years … and won more than $1 million. "I am going to enjoy my life now," he said. "I feel like I have been reborn. I know God was watching over me all these years." He told reporters that he planned to buy a house, a car, and a speedboat, and to marry his girlfriend. (He’d been married four times before and reflected, "My marriages were disasters, too.") | |
The article above is reprinted with permission from Uncle John’s Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader, a fantastic book by the Bathroom Readers’ Institute. The 17th book in this the Bathroom Reader series is filled to the brim with facts, fun, and fascination, including articles about the Origin of Kung Fu, How to Kill a Zombie, Women in Space and more! Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you’ll love the Bathroom Reader Institute’s books - go ahead and check ‘em out! |
Posted on October 17, 2007 at 1:40 am by Alex
Category: Bathroom Reader
I just got a chance to try out a Webware PC: a computer built around the new P5E3 Deluxe/WiFi-AP motherboard from Asus. What makes this motherboard be hardware for Webware is that it has a Firefox Web browser (running on an embedded Linux operating system) burned into ROM. It also has Skype. You turn it on, and in fifteen seconds (I timed it), you can be in Firefox and surfing the Web.
You can also boot it into Windows, or whatever OS you have installed on the hard disk. Boring.
This built-in browser has a lot of great things but some drawbacks too.
In the plus category: This alternate operating system, provided by DeviceVM to Asus, is fast and convenient. There's no giant OS to boot before you get into your browser, which is a slimmed-down version of Firefox, not some weird, quasibrowser that doesn't do what you want. There's a Flash plug-in installed so most modern sites render properly. Flash videos play just fine. The system saves all your settings (including bookmarks) in memory, so you don't have to start from scratch every time you fire it up.
The P5E3 motherboard has nearly everything built in that you'll need. Connecting to a network--wired or WiFi--is fast and easy. Skype has access to the board's audio in and out ports.
Because the DeviceVM platform doesn't have access to the hard disks connected to the motherboard, the system is very secure. So if, say, guests wants to use your PC to check their Web mail, you can boot them into the ExpressGate environment (that's what Asus calls it) and not worry about them junking up your PC. You might want to clear your private data from the Firefox cache first, though.
The browser works just like Firefox. Because it is Firefox.
And this motherboard is "green," at least in theory. Many people leave their PCs on all the time, because launching a browser from a cold PC can take several minutes. With this setup, you can turn off the PC when you're done browsing, and when you need to get back online, you can be there in seconds.
If you work primarily online--using browser-based tools like Google Docs for productivity, Salesforce.com or Basecamp for business operations, Meebo for IM, and so on--this setup is just great.
Should you get one of these motherboards just for its ExpressGate feature, though?
No. As cool and useful as ExpressGate feature is, the Asus P5E3 is the wrong product for it to be embedded in. This motherboard is at the top of the Asus line and costs $350 in a market where most other products are under $200. (To be fair, the motherboard is loaded with high-end features and technology). So forget using this product for cost savings. Since it's such a powerful mobo, it's going to be built into high-end PCs, most likely with high-end graphics cards and kilowatt power supplies that will obviate the potential power savings from the lightweight, instant-on operating system.
And it doesn't support Firefox plug-ins and add-ons, which is a drag.
I spoke with DeviceVM execs Sol Lipman and David Speiser, and I think they recognize the mismatch of their technology and the first product that carries it. However, the P5E3 isn't the only motherboard that will carry their embedded OS and browser. In the first quarter of 2008, we'll see laptops with the embedded browser, which is where it's really needed, and we should also start seeing it in less-expensive desktops.
The ExpressGate desktop gives you two apps to choose from: Firefox and Skype. More are coming.
The company is also adding more features to its pre-boot OS. Right now you get Firefox and Skype built in, but future revisions will get DVD and CD players, the Pidgin IM client, and the capability to play media files from the host machine's hard drive. To save electricity, a future revision of the P5E3 product will enable the Asus motherboard to drop into its lowest power mode when running the browser. (And even that is probably overkill for the lightweight OS.)
As I said, I don't think it'd be smart to buy this product for the sole purpose of using its embedded Web browser. It's a nice addition, though, and this capability makes sense for laptops and especially for low-price, low-powered, Web-only PCs. A year ago, the concept of a Web-only computer was a nonstarter for almost everyone, but with today's Web-based apps it begins to make sense for a lot of users. Products using this technology, configured without Windows or hard drives, can be very capable workstations.
¿Cómo carajo este tipo le puede pedir a un jugador de futbol que no de todo lo que pueda dar con su selección?
Estoy de acuerdo en que muchas veces los clubes de futbol, quienes son los que les pagan los sueldos a los futbolistas, salen perjudicados por las selecciones. Pero esto es ridiculo.
NEW YORK--What's black and white and scares me?
The Roboquad robot from WowWee for $99. It's the first robot that's ever startled me or made me nervous. And I loved every minute of the interaction.
I've had the opportunity to meet more sophisticated lifelike robots such as Domo and "Tony X." While some find these humanoid robots unnerving, I've never felt anything toward them but the amused affection one might have for a dog or, say, a Muppet.
The Roboquad is another story.
Watching them in action, these arthropods move so organically that they really seem alive and uncontrollable. It's hard to believe it takes four C batteries. The robot has 72 functions and 40 commands, and it gets better doing them the more you play with it. It can also be put in autonomous modes for exploring its environment or acting aggressively.
And while we all know in the back of our minds that companies are producing robots for war, it's quite a jarring thing to see them before you acting aggressively.
One Roboquad can be made to fight another when in aggression mode. I saw one actually rear up on its hind legs toward the other, a moment I sadly missed with my camera.
In addition to having the quick crawl of a crab, the Roboquad has the same texture and color scheme of an Imperial Stormtrooper from Star Wars. Whether or not this was intentional on the part of WowWee, it certainly makes the robot more intimidating when in aggression mode.
Roboguards also react to changes in light, sight and sound. They have a fast-moving head that lets it "see" shapes, sizes and movement. It will flinch if startled. After my camera flash went off, one of the two Roboquads I met at DigitalLife 2007 quickly turned its head and looked directly at me before resuming his wrestling match.
And you know what? For all these reasons, plus the price point, people are going love this robot.